
New Joint Msc Mundus on Embedded Intelligence Nanosystems Engineering

European Master on Embedded Intelligence Nanosystems Engineering (EMINENT) offer students an advanced training from the nanoscale fabrication of devices and materials up to macroscale intelligent systems and IoT interconnected devices in information, sensing, and energy application areas.

The first year will take place in HMU (Greece) for the first semester, and Siegen (Germany) for the second semester. The second year will be held at the university providing the specialization chosen by the student.

All applications received will be considered for the award of an attractive scholarship worth € 1400 per month.

Application is open from 15th November 2023 to 1st of March 2024. Students can apply over the EMINENT website:

University of Siegen (Germany), the Hellenic Mediterranean University in Crete (Greece), NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Orléans (France) and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) are partners of this joint degree Erasmus Mundus Programme.


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